Spiritan Figures

Today as yesterday, the call remains a mystery. But the important thing today as yesterday is to fall in love, ‘‘to love is to give everything and to give oneself’’, wrote Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus.

Here are some portraits of Spiritan figures, whose paths are very varied but all animated by the same enthusiasm, the same apostolic zeal. Through all these Spiritan vocations, we find again the founding charism of leaving one’s country, “to go out, to go to those in need, to carry the breath of the Gospel in the cultures”.

What our Holy Father, the Pope, reminds us today ceaselessly and forcefully comes to life in these ordinary and singular journeys of our Elders.

Praying, helping, planning, working, teaching, serving, caring, cherishing, these expressions of love for others permeate their entire lives. This joy fills their hearts, that of having given themselves entirely, to the end, to follow Christ. With joy let us discover these Spiritan Figures who still inspire us today on the paths of the mission.

  • Sister Eugénie Caps
  • Sister Marie-Marcel Koguila
  • Sister Adèle Petitdemange
  • Sister Armelle Rabillard
  • Sister Benedicta Gyger
  • Sister Claude Vatté
  • Sister Céline Beyler
  • Sister Elisabeth Gillieron
  • Sister Adèle Hilsz
  • Sister Rose Robinson
  • Sister Maria Joaquim Henriques
  • Sister Marie-Albéric Moÿse
  • Sister Christiane Masseguin
  • Sister Térésa Saint-Just
  • Sister Élise Müller

Oblates of the Holy Spirit

  • Rosalie Landais – Oblate of the Holy Spirit
  • Joséphine Ocicka – First Oblate of the Holy Spirit
  • Suzanne Lanse – Oblate of the Holy Spirit and Painter